1 play the guitar
2 play the guitar
3 play the guitar
играть на гитареБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > play the guitar
4 play the guitar
Общая лексика: играть на гитаре -
5 play the guitar
expr.Gitarre spielen ausdr. -
6 play
A n1 Theat pièce f (about sur) ; the characters in a play les personnages d'une pièce ; a radio play, a play for radio une pièce radiophonique ; a one-/five-act play une pièce en un acte/en cinq actes ;2 (amusement, recreation) the sound of children at play le bruit d'enfants en train de jouer ; the rich at play les riches dans leurs moments de loisir ; to learn through play apprendre par le jeu ;3 Sport, Games play starts at 11 la partie commence à 11 heures ; there was no play today il n'y a pas eu de partie aujourd'hui ; rain stopped play la partie a dû être arrêtée à cause de la pluie ; one evening's play ( in cards) une soirée de jeu ; the ball is out of play/in play la balle est hors jeu/en jeu ; there was some good defensive play la défense a été bonne ; there was some fine play from the Danish team l'équipe danoise a bien joué ;4 (movement, interaction) jeu m ; to come into play entrer en jeu ; it has brought new factors into play cela a introduit de nouveaux éléments ; the play of light on the water/of shadows against the wall le jeu de la lumière sur la surface de l'eau/des ombres contre le mur ; the play of forces beyond our comprehension le jeu de forces qui dépassent notre compréhension ; the free play of the imagination le libre jeu de l'imagination ;5 ( manipulation) jeu m ; a play on words un jeu de mots ; a play on the idea of reincarnation un jeu sur la notion de la réincarnation ;7 Mech ( scope for movement) jeu m (between entre ; in dans) ; there's some play in the lock il y a du jeu dans la serrure ;8 Fishg to give a line more/less play donner du mou à/tendre une ligne.B vtr1 ( for amusement) to play football/bridge jouer au football/au bridge ; to play cards/a computer game jouer aux cartes/à un jeu électronique ; to play sb at chess/at tennis, to play chess/tennis with sb jouer aux échecs/au tennis avec qn ; to play a game of chess/of tennis with sb jouer une partie d'échecs/de tennis avec qn ; I'll play you a game of chess on peut faire une partie d'échecs si tu veux ; she plays basketball for her country elle est dans l'équipe nationale de basketball ; to play shop/hide and seek jouer à la marchande/ à cache-cache ; to play a joke on sb jouer un tour à qn ;2 Mus jouer [symphony, chord] ; to play the guitar/the piano jouer de la guitare/du piano ; to play a tune on a clarinet jouer un air à la clarinette ; to play a piece to ou for sb jouer un morceau à qn ; play them a tune joue-leur un air ; they will play a nationwide tour ils vont en tournée dans tout le pays ; they're playing the jazz club on Saturday ils jouent au club de jazz samedi ;3 ( act out) Theat interpréter, jouer [role] ; to play (the part of) Cleopatra interpréter or jouer (le rôle de) Cléopâtre ; Cleopatra, played by Elizabeth Taylor Cléopâtre, interprétée or jouée par Elizabeth Taylor ; he plays a young officer il joue un jeune officier ; to play the diplomat/the sympathetic friend fig jouer au diplomate/à l'ami compatissant ; to play a leading role in public affairs jouer un rôle déterminant dans les affaires publiques ; to play a significant part in the creation of a clean environment jouer un rôle important dans la création d'un environnement propre ; I'm not sure how to play things je ne sais pas trop comment procéder ; that's the way I play things ○ c'est ma façon de faire ; to play a line for laughs dire une réplique de façon à faire rire tout le monde ;4 Audio mettre [tape, video, CD] ; play me the record mets-moi le disque ; to play music écouter de la musique ; the tape was played to the court on a fait entendre la bande au tribunal ; let me play the jazz tape for you je vais vous faire entendre la cassette de jazz ;5 Sport ( in a position) [coach, manager] faire jouer [player] ; to play goal/wing être gardien de but/ailier ; he plays goal for Fulchester il est gardien de but dans l'équipe de Fulchester ;6 Sport (hit, kick) [golfer, tennis player] envoyer [ball] ; [basketball player] lancer [ball] ; to play the ball over the goal tirer le ballon par-dessus la cage ; to play the ball to sb passer la balle à qn ; to play a forehand délivrer un coup droit ;7 Games (in chess, draughts) déplacer [piece] ; ( in cards) jouer [card] ; to play a club jouer du trèfle ; to play the tables ( in roulette) miser ;8 Fin to play the stock market boursicoter ○ ;9 Fishg épuiser [fish].C vi1 [children] jouer (with avec) ; to play together jouer ensemble ; can Rosie come out to play? est-ce que Rosie peut venir jouer? ; to play at soldiers/at keeping shop jouer aux soldats/à la marchande ; to play at hide and seek jouer à cache-cache ;2 fig she's only playing at her job elle ne travaille pas vraiment ; to play at being a manager/an artist jouer au directeur/à l'artiste ; what does he think he's playing at ○ ? GB qu'est-ce qu'il fabrique ○ ? ;3 Sport, Games jouer ; do you play? est-ce que tu sais jouer? ; have you played yet? avez-vous joué? ; to play out of turn jouer avant son tour ; I've seen them play ( team) je les ai vus jouer ; England is playing against Ireland l'Angleterre joue contre l'Irlande ; he plays for Liverpool il joue dans l'équipe de Liverpool ; she played for her club in the semifinal elle a joué dans l'équipe de son club en demi-finale ; to play in goal être dans les buts ; to play for money [cardplayer] jouer pour de l'argent ; to play fair jouer franc jeu ;4 Sport (hit, shoot) to play into a bunker/the net envoyer la balle dans un bunker/le filet ; to play to sb's backhand jouer sur le revers de qn ;5 Mus [musician, band, orchestra] jouer (for pour) ; to play on the flute/on the xylophone jouer de la flûte/du xylophone ; to play to large audiences/to small groups jouer devant un grand public/pour de petits groupes ;6 Cin, Theat [play] se jouer ; [film] passer ; [actor] jouer ; ‘Macbeth’ is playing at the Gate ‘Macbeth’ se joue au Gate ; she's playing opposite him in ‘Macbeth’ elle joue avec lui dans ‘Macbeth’ ; he's playing to packed houses il joue devant des salles combles ;7 ( make noise) [fountain, water] couler, jaser littér ; a record played softly in the background un disque jouait doucement en arrière-fond ; I could hear music/the tape playing in the next room j'entendais de la musique/la bande dans la pièce à côté ;8 ( move lightly) sunlight played over the water le soleil jouait sur l'eau ; a breeze played across the lake une brise effleurait la surface du lac ; a smile played around ou on her lips un sourire flottait sur ses lèvres.to play for time essayer de gagner du temps ; we have everything to play for rien n'est encore gagné ; to play sb false ne pas jouer franc jeu avec qn ; they played to her strengths ( in interview) il ne lui ont rien demandé de difficile ; he doesn't play to his own strengths il n'utilise pas ses capacités ; all work and no play (makes Jack a dull boy) Prov il n'y a pas que le travail dans la vie ; to make a play for sb ○ draguer qn ○ ; to make great play of sth/of the fact that accorder beaucoup d'importance à qch/au fait que.1 ( acquiesce) entrer dans le jeu ; to play along with sb entrer dans le jeu de qn ;2 ( accompany) I'll sing, you play along on the piano je chante et tu m'accompagnes au piano ; to play along with sb/with a song accompagner qn/une chanson.■ play around ○1 ( be promiscuous) coucher à droite et à gauche ○ ;2 ( act the fool) faire l'imbécile ; to play around with (rearrange, juggle) changer [qch] de place [chairs, ornaments] ; jongler avec [dates, figures] ; ( fiddle) jouer avec [paperclips, pens] ; to play around with the idea of doing caresser vaguement l'idée de faire ; how much time/money do we have to play around with? combien de temps/d'argent avons-nous à notre disposition?■ play back:▶ play [sth] back, play back [sth] rejouer [qch] du début [song] ; repasser [film, video] ; to play sth back to sb faire réentendre qch à qn [record, music] ; repasser qch à qn [video, film].■ play down:▶ play down [sth] minimiser [defeat, disaster, effects].■ play off: to play sb off against sb monter qn contre qn (pour en tirer avantage) ; they can play the companies/buyers off against each other ils peuvent créer une concurrence entre les sociétés/acheteurs.■ play on:▶ play on1 [musicians, footballers] continuer à jouer ;2 ( in cricket) envoyer la balle sur son propre guichet ;▶ play on [sth] exploiter [fears, prejudices] ; jouer avec [idea].■ play out:▶ play out [sth] vivre [fantasy] ; their love affair was played out against a background of war leur histoire d'amour s'est déroulée sur un fond de guerre ; the drama which is being played out in India le drame qui se joue aux Indes.■ play up:▶ play up ○ [computer, person] commencer à faire des siennes ○ ; the children are playing up again les enfants recommencent à en faire des leurs ○ ; my rheumatism is playing up mes rhumatismes me taquinent ;▶ play up [sth] mettre l'accent sur [dangers, advantages, benefits] ; to play up a story Journ monter une histoire en épingle.■ play with:▶ play with [sth]1 ( fiddle) jouer avec [pen, food, paperclip] ; to play with oneself ○ euph ( masturbate) se tripoter ○ ;2 ( toy) to play with words jouer avec les mots ; to play with sb's affections jouer avec les sentiments de qn ;3 ( be insincere) to play with sb jouer avec qn. -
7 guitar
guitar [gɪ'tɑ:(r)]guitare f;∎ to play the guitar jouer de la guitare►► guitar case étui m de guitare;guitar player guitariste mf;guitar solo solo m de guitare -
8 play
1. n игра; забаваa play on words — игра слов, каламбур
2. n спорт. манера, стиль игры, играfair play — игра по правилам, честная игра
foul play — игра с нарушением правил, грубая игра
cheating at play — нечестная, мошенническая игра; шулерство
3. n спорт. комбинацияtip-off play — комбинация, начинающаяся начальным броском
4. n спорт. борьба; бой5. n азартная игра6. n шуткаout of mere play — ради шутки, в шутку
7. n каламбурplay on words — игра слов, каламбур
8. n пьеса, драмаplay doctor — редактор, «спасающий» пьесу перед премьерой
to damn a play — холодно принять пьесу; провалить пьесу
9. n представление, спектакль10. n владение, умение обращаться11. n движение12. n переливы, играto play high — играть по большой; ходить с крупной карты
to play a safe game — вести верную игру, играть наверняка
play street — улица, на которой разрешено играть детям
play a double game — двурушничать; вести двойную игру
13. n свобода, простор14. n действие, деятельностьin full play — в действии, в разгаре
to call into play — приводить в действие, пускать в ход
bring into play — приводить в действие; осуществлять
call into play — приводить в действие; осуществлять
15. n действия, поведение; игра16. n диал. забастовка17. n диал. каникулы, свободное от занятий время18. n диал. ухаживание; свадебный танец19. n диал. проигрываниеthe record got scratched after a few plays — на пластинке появились царапины после того, как её несколько раз проиграли
20. n диал. «пресса», освещение в прессе21. n тех. зазор22. n тех. игра, люфт, свободный ход; шатание23. n тех. авт. болтанкаgallery play — стремление к дешёвой популярности; «работа на публику»
grandstand play — выступление, рассчитанное на эффект
24. v играть, резвиться, забавлятьсяplay the part — играть роль; начать действовать
to play gambols — прыгать, скакать, резвиться
25. v сыграть шутку; разыграть26. v шутить; дурачиться27. v каламбурить, обыгрывать значение слова28. v поступать, вести себя легкомысленноto play the hog — думать только о себе; поступать по-свински
to play the goat — вести себя глупо, валять дурака
play out — изживать себя, терять силу; исчерпать
29. v флиртовать; ухаживать, заводить любовную интрижку30. v австрал. разг. разыгрывать31. v играть, участвовать в игреto play over — переиграть; сыграть снова
32. v спорт. отбивать, подавать мячdead ball, ball out of play — мяч вне игры
33. v использовать в игре, выставлять, заявлятьillegal play — игра, запрещённая законом
34. v вводить в игруplay debt — долг из игры, обязательство из игры
35. v притворяться, прикидываться36. v поступать, действоватьto play the man — поступать, как подобает мужчине
37. v стравливать, натравливать38. v рассматривать39. v подходить для игры40. v играть в азартные игры; быть игрокомplay to the gallery — играть на "галерку"
41. v играть на тотализаторе или на скачках42. v делать ставки, ставить43. v исполнять; играть44. v исполнять, играть роль45. v сниматься; участвовать, играть46. v сопровождать музыкой47. v давать представление; исполнять пьесу48. v амер. гастролировать49. v, исполняться50. v демонстрировать51. v идтиto play an all-or-nothing game — идти ва-банк;
52. v играть, работатьhis radio is playing — у него работает играть ; вертеть
53. v играть, воспользоваться54. v порхать, носиться, танцевать55. v переливаться, играть; мелькать56. v дрожать, трепетать57. v бить58. v направлять59. v стрелять60. v приводить в действие, пускать61. v тех. иметь люфт; шататьсяside play — люфт, боковое качание
62. v диал. бастовать63. v диал. быть на каникулахto keep the goal, to play goal — стоять в воротах, быть вратарём
64. v диал. водить, вываживать65. v амер. сл. опекать, покровительствовать66. v амер. сл. сотрудничатьпомещать, располагать на определённом месте
to play the game — поступать честно, порядочно
to play a waiting game — выжидать, использовать выжидательную тактику
to play silly buggers, to play the goat — дурачиться, идиотничать
to play it by ear — принимать решение на месте; действовать в зависимости от обстоятельств
to play for time — пытаться выиграть время; тянуть время
to play to the gallery — работать на публику, искать дешёвую популярность
Синонимический ряд:1. action (noun) action; activity; exercise; motion; movement2. freedom (noun) freedom; latitude; swing3. fun (noun) amusement; disport; diversion; enjoyment; entertainment; frolic; fun; game; jest; joke; pastime; recreation; relaxation; sport; trifling4. liberty (noun) elbow-room; liberty5. performance (noun) comedy; drama; farce; melodrama; performance; piece; presentation; production; satire; show; tragedy6. room (noun) elbowroom; latitude; leeway; margin; room; scope7. trick (noun) artifice; chouse; device; feint; gambit; gimmick; jig; maneuver; manoeuvre; ploy; ruse; shenanigan; sleight; stratagem; trick; whizzer; wile8. use (noun) appliance; application; employment; exertion; operation; usage; usance; use9. act (verb) act; characterise; characterize; discourse; emulate; enact; imitate; impersonate; mimic; personate; playact10. compete (verb) compete; contend against; contend with; engage11. disport (verb) disport; recreate; sport12. do (verb) bring about; do; execute; interpret; perform; render13. fool (verb) dally; fiddle; fidget; flirt; fool; monkey; putter; tinker; toy; trifle; twiddle14. manipulate (verb) beguile; exploit; finesse; jockey; maneuver; manipulate; manoeuvre15. put (verb) bet; gamble; game; lay; lay down; post; put; put on; set; stake; wager16. romp (verb) caper; frisk; frolic; gambol; revel; romp17. run (verb) run; show18. treat (verb) deal with; employ; handle; serve; take; treat; useАнтонимический ряд:study; work -
9 play *****
[pleɪ]1. n1) (recreation) giocoto do/say sth in play — fare/dire qc per scherzo
2) Sport giocoto be in/out of play — (ball) essere in/fuori gioco
3) Theatre opera teatraleradio/television play — commedia radiofonica/per la televisione
4) (Tech: movement, give) gioco5)2. vt1) (match, card) giocare, (cards, chess, tennis) giocare a, (opponent) giocare contro, (chesspiece) muovereto play the field — (sexually) darsi da fare in campo amoroso
to play a fish Angling — stancare un pesce
2) (perform: role) interpretare, (play) rappresentare, dare, (perform in: town) esibirsi a, dare uno spettacolo (or una serie di spettacoli) a4) (direct: light, hose) puntare, dirigere3. vi1) (gen) giocare2)(move about, form patterns)
we watched the fountains playing — guardavamo i giochi d'acqua delle fontane4) Theatre Cine recitare (una parte)•- play off- play on- play out- play up -
10 play
1. n1) игра́ жfair (foul, rough, team) play — че́стная (нече́стная, гру́бая, дру́жная) игра́
2) пье́са ж- in playgo to see the play — пойти́ в теа́тр
- make a play for smb
- play group 2. v1) игра́тьplay football (tennis) — игра́ть в футбо́л (те́ннис)
play the guitar (the violin) — игра́ть на гита́ре (на скри́пке)
2) сде́лать ход ( в игре)play the pawn — шахм пойти́ пе́шкой
3) прои́грывать ( пластинку)- play at smthplay this tape — поста́вьте э́ту за́пись
- play down smth
- play off
- play off one person against another
- play on smth
- play up to smb
- play with smth
- play around with an idea
- play a waiting game
- play ball
- play both ends against the middle
- play by ear
- play cat and mouse with smb
- play fair
- play fast and loose
- play footsie
- play for keeps
- play for time
- play games with smb
- play hard to get
- play hooky
- play into smb's hands
- play it cool
- play one for
- play one's cards right
- play ostrich
- play possum
- play safe
- play second fiddle
- play the devil with smb
- play the field
- play the game
- play the market
- play to the gallery
- play tricks on smb
- play with fire -
11 guitar
12 guitar
13 guitar
N1. गिटार\{वाद्य\guitarयंत्र)I play the guitar very well. -
14 the
I. 1. (пред съгласна)
(пред гласна и нямо h), (под ударение)
def. article, с определящо знач.
THE man in THE corner човекът в ъгъла
England of THE Tudors Англия от времето на Тюдорите
2. с родово знач.
THE whale is a mammal китът e млекопитаещо
3. с редни числ. и прев. cm.
Edward THE Seventh Едуард VII
in THE last row на последния ред
4. с географски имена, имена на вестницu и пр.
THE Hague Хага
THE Alps Алпите
THE Thames Темза
THE Atlantic (Ocean) Атлантическият океан
THE Times в. Таймз
THE Browns сем. Браун
5. с разпределително знач. - 50 p. THE pound - по 50 пенса фунта
four apples to THE pound по 4 ябълки в един фунт
eight minutes to THE mile осем минути на миля
6. със знач. на показ. мест.
at THE moment в момента, в този момент
I like THE man харесва ми този човек
7. със субстантивирано прил., в ед. ч. с отвлечено знач.
THE sublime възвишеното, в ед. ч. със знач. на мн. ч.
THE poor бедните
THE English англичаните, в мн. ч.
THE conservatives консерваторите, с прил., означаващо езика на да ден народ
translated from THE Spanish преведено от испански
8. с имената на някои болести
THE measles шарка
THE mumps заушки
9. (винаги ударено)
he too is Walter Scott but not THE Walter Scott и той e Уолтър Скот, но не прочутият Уолтър Скот
he is THE specialist on той e най-добрият/найизвестният специалист по
tea is THE drink for a cold чаят e най-доброто питие, когато човек е настинал
10. във възклицания, какъв
THE cheek! какво нахалство!
II. 1. adv със сравн. ст, още по-, толкова по-
it will be THE easier for you as you are younger на тебе ще ти бъде още по-лесно, защото си по-млад
so much THE better/THE worse for him толкова по-добре/по-зле за него
2. колкото... толкова
THE more I read THE more I forget колкото повече чета, толкова повече забравям
less said about it THE better колкото по-малко говорим за това, толкова по-добре, да не говорим за това* * *{ъ} (пред сьгласна); {i} (пред гласна и нямо h); {i:} (под(2) {ъ} adv сьс сравн. ст. 1. още по-, толкова по-; it will be the* * *def. article опред. член;THE sooner THE better колкото по-скоро, толкова по-добре;all THE better толкова по-добре;I am none THE better for it не ми е никак по-добре от това;the; (пред сьгласна);{i} (пред гласна и нямо h);{i:} (под ударение); def. article 1. с* * *1. (винаги ударено) 2. (пред гласна и нямо h), (под ударение) 3. 50 p. the pound по 50 пенса фунта 4. at the moment в момента, в този момент 5. def. article, с определящо знач 6. edward the seventh Едуард vii 7. eight minutes to the mile осем минути на миля 8. england of the tudors Англия от времето на Тюдорите 9. four apples to the pound по 4 ябълки в един фунт 10. he is the specialist on той e най-добрият/найизвестният специалист по 11. he too is walter scott but not the walter scott и той e Уолтър Скот, но не прочутият Уолтър Скот 12. i like the man харесва ми този човек 13. i. (пред съгласна) 14. ii. adv със сравн. ст, още по-, толкова по- 15. in the last row на последния ред 16. it will be the easier for you as you are younger на тебе ще ти бъде още по-лесно, защото си по-млад 17. less said about it the better колкото по-малко говорим за това, толкова по-добре, да не говорим за това 18. so much the better/the worse for him толкова по-добре/по-зле за него 19. tea is the drink for a cold чаят e най-доброто питие, когато човек е настинал 20. the alps Алпите 21. the atlantic (ocean) Атлантическият океан 22. the browns сем. Браун 23. the cheek! какво нахалство! 24. the conservatives консерваторите, с прил., означаващо езика на да ден народ 25. the english англичаните, в мн. ч 26. the hague Хага 27. the man in the corner човекът в ъгъла 28. the measles шарка 29. the more i read the more i forget колкото повече чета, толкова повече забравям 30. the mumps заушки 31. the poor бедните 32. the sublime възвишеното, в ед. ч. със знач. на мн. ч 33. the thames Темза 34. the times в. Таймз 35. the usa САЩ 36. the whale is a mammal китът e млекопитаещо 37. translated from the spanish преведено от испански 38. във възклицания, какъв 39. колкото... толкова 40. с географски имена, имена на вестницu и пр 41. с имената на някои болести 42. с разпределително знач 43. с редни числ. и прев. cm 44. с родово знач 45. със знач. на показ. мест 46. със субстантивирано прил., в ед. ч. с отвлечено знач* * *the[ðə пред съгласна; ði пред гласна; ði: под ударение] I. article 1. с определително значение an increase in \the consumption of meat увеличение в консумацията на месо; he sat in \the sun той седеше на слънце; \the England of the Tudors Англия по време на Тюдорите; 2. с родово значение after dogs \the horse has had the closest relationship with man след кучетата, конят е най-тясно свързан с човека; 3. с редни числ. и превъзх. ст. Edward \the Seventh Едуард Седми; on \the eight of November, on November \the eight на осми ноември; 4. със собств. имена; \the Alps Алпите; \the Thames Темза; \the USA САЩ; \the Ukraine Украйна; \the Black Sea Черно море; \the Atlantic ( Ocean) Атлантически(ят) океан; \the Times в. "Таймс"; \the Taylors семейство Тейлър, Тейлърови; 5. с разпределително значение two dollars to \the pound два долара за фунт; eight minutes (to) \the mile осем минути на миля; 6. със значение на показат. местоим. at \the moment в момента, в този момент, точно сега, ей сега; I like \the man обичам този човек; 7. с прил., употребени като същ. 1) в ед. с отвлечено значение to wish \the impossible искам невъзможното; 2) в ед. със значение на мн. (със събирателно значение): \the unemployed безработните; \the English англичаните; 3) в мн. \the Reds червените; 4) с прил., които означават народност, за да означи съответния език translated from \the Czech превод (преведено) от чешки; 8. с имена на някои болести: \the measles шарка; \the rheumatics ревматизъм; 9. с музикални инструменти to play \the guitar свиря на китара; 10. за означаване на достатъчно количество I don't have \the money to maintain such a car нямам достатъчно пари, за да поддържам такава кола; 11. за означаване на десетилетия \the sixties шейсетте години; 12. с ударение известният, великият; най-добрият; най-подходящият, най-предпочитаният; a certain Walter Scott, not \the Walter Scott някой си Уолтър Скот, не известният Уолтър Скот; tea is \the drink for a cold чаят е най-доброто питие, когато човек има настинка; 13. във възклицания какъв; \the cheek! какво нахалство! \the crowds! какви тълпи; II. adv със сравн. ст.: it will be \the easier for you as you are younger ще ти бъде (още) по-лесно, защото си по-млад; the blow was all \the more cruel because it was unexpected ударът беше още по-(толкова по-) жесток, защото беше неочакван; he is none \the better for seeing a specialist не е по-добре, макар че е ходил при специалист; \the...\the колкото..., толкова; \the more \the merrier колкото повече сме, толкова по-весело; \the less said about it \the better колкото по-малко се говори за това, толкова по-добре. -
15 guitar
16 guitar
[gi΄ta:] n կիթառ. play the guitar կիթառ նվա գել -
17 play
play [pleɪ]jeu ⇒ 1 (a), 1 (e), 1 (f), 1 (h), 1 (i) tour ⇒ 1 (c) stratagème ⇒ 1 (d) pièce (de théâtre) ⇒ 1 (g) intérêt ⇒ 1 (j) jouer à ⇒ 2 (a), 2 (h) jouer ⇒ 2 (b), 2 (c), 2 (e)-(g), 2 (i)-(k), 3 (a)-(e), 3 (h) faire jouer ⇒ 2 (d) jouer de ⇒ 2 (m) mettre ⇒ 2 (n) s'amuser ⇒ 3 (a) se jouer ⇒ 3 (f)1 noun(a) (fun, recreation) jeu m;∎ I like to watch the children at play j'aime regarder les enfants jouer;∎ the aristocracy at play l'aristocratie en train de se détendre;∎ to say sth in play dire qch en plaisantant ou pour rire;∎ play on words jeu m de mots, calembour m∎ play starts at one o'clock le match commence à une heure;∎ play on the centre court is starting le match sur le court central commence;∎ after some very boring play in the first half… après une première mi-temps très ennuyeuse…;∎ there was some nice play from Brooks Brooks a réussi de belles actions ou a bien joué;∎ to keep the ball in play garder la balle en jeu;∎ out of play sorti, hors jeu;∎ rain stopped play la partie a été interrompue par la pluie;∎ American she scored off a passing play elle a marqué un but après une combinaison de passes;∎ American the coach calls the plays l'entraîneur choisit les combinaisons∎ whose play is it? c'est à qui de jouer?(d) (manoeuvre) stratagème m;∎ it was a play to get money/their sympathy c'était un stratagème pour obtenir de l'argent/pour s'attirer leur sympathie;∎ he is making a play for the presidency il se lance dans la course à la présidence;∎ she made a play for my boyfriend elle a fait des avances à mon copain(e) (gambling) jeu m;∎ I lost heavily at last night's play j'ai perdu gros au jeu hier soir(f) (activity, interaction) jeu m;∎ the result of a complex play of forces le résultat d'un jeu de forces complexe;∎ to come into play entrer en jeu;∎ to bring sth into play mettre qch en jeu∎ Shakespeare's plays les pièces fpl ou le théâtre de Shakespeare;∎ to be in a play jouer dans une pièce;∎ it's been ages since I've seen or gone to see a play ça fait des années que je ne suis pas allé au théâtre;∎ radio play pièce f radiophonique;∎ television play dramatique f∎ there's too much play in the socket il y a trop de jeu dans la douille;∎ give the rope more play donnez plus de mou à la corde;∎ figurative to give or to allow full play to sth donner libre cours à qch(i) (of sun, colours) jeu m;∎ I like the play of light and shadow in his photographs j'aime les jeux d'ombre et de lumière dans ses photos∎ the summit meeting is getting a lot of media play les médias font beaucoup de tapage ou battage autour de ce sommet;∎ in my opinion she's getting far too much play à mon avis, on s'intéresse beaucoup trop à elle□ ;∎ they made a lot of play or a big play about his war record ils ont fait tout un plat de son passé militaire(a) (games, cards) jouer à;∎ to play football/tennis jouer au football/tennis;∎ to play poker/chess jouer au poker/aux échecs;∎ to play hide-and-seek jouer à cache-cache;∎ the children were playing dolls/soldiers les enfants jouaient à la poupée/aux soldats;∎ how about playing some golf after work? si on faisait une partie de golf après le travail?;∎ do you play any sports? pratiquez-vous un sport?;∎ squash is played indoors le squash se pratique en salle;∎ to play the game Sport jouer selon les règles; figurative jouer le jeu;∎ I won't play his game je ne vais pas entrer dans son jeu;∎ she's playing games with you elle te fait marcher;∎ familiar to play it cool ne pas s'énerver□, garder son calme□ ;∎ American to play favorites faire du favoritisme;∎ to play sb for a fool rouler qn;∎ familiar the meeting's next week, how shall we play it? la réunion aura lieu la semaine prochaine, quelle va être notre stratégie?□ ;∎ to play it safe ne pas prendre de risque, jouer la sécurité(b) (opposing player or team) jouer contre, rencontrer;∎ Italy plays Brazil in the finals l'Italie joue contre ou rencontre le Brésil en finale;∎ I played him at chess j'ai joué aux échecs avec lui;∎ he will play Karpov il jouera contre Karpov;∎ I'll play you for the drinks je vous joue les consommations∎ to play a match against sb disputer un match avec ou contre qn;∎ how many tournaments has he played this year? à combien de tournois a-t-il participé cette année?;∎ the next game will be played on Sunday la prochaine partie aura lieu dimanche(d) (include on the team → player) faire jouer;∎ the coach didn't play her until the second half l'entraîneur ne l'a fait entrer (sur le terrain) qu'à la deuxième mi-temps(e) (card, chess piece) jouer;∎ to play spades/trumps jouer pique/atout;∎ how should I play this hand? comment devrais-je jouer cette main?;∎ she played her ace elle a joué son as; figurative elle a abattu sa carte maîtresse;∎ figurative he plays his cards close to his chest il cache son jeu(f) (position) jouer;∎ he plays winger/defence il joue ailier/en défense(g) (shot, stroke) jouer;∎ she played a chip shot to the green elle a fait un coup coché jusque sur le green;∎ try playing your backhand more essayez de faire plus de revers;∎ to play a six iron (in golf) jouer un fer numéro six;∎ he played the ball to me il m'a envoyé la balle(h) (gamble on → stock market, slot machine) jouer à;∎ to play the horses jouer aux courses;∎ to play the property market spéculer sur le marché immobilier;∎ he played the red/the black il a misé sur le rouge/le noir(i) (joke, trick)∎ to play a trick/joke on sb jouer un tour/faire une farce à qn;∎ your memory's playing tricks on you votre mémoire vous joue des tours∎ Cressida was played by Joan Dobbs le rôle de Cressida était interprété par Joan Dobbs;∎ who played the godfather in Coppola's movie? qui jouait le rôle du parrain dans le film de Coppola?;∎ figurative to play a part or role in sth prendre part ou contribuer à qch;∎ an affair in which prejudice plays its part une affaire dans laquelle les préjugés entrent pour beaucoup ou jouent un rôle important∎ they played Broadway last year ils ont joué à Broadway l'année dernière;∎ 'Othello' is playing the Strand for another week 'Othello' est à l'affiche du Strand pendant encore une semaine;∎ he's now playing the club circuit il se produit maintenant dans les clubs∎ to play the fool faire l'idiot ou l'imbécile;∎ some doctors play God il y a des médecins qui se prennent pour Dieu sur terre;∎ to play host to sb recevoir qn;∎ to play the hero jouer les héros;∎ one played the heavy while the other asked the questions l'un jouait les méchants tandis que l'autre posait les questions;∎ don't play the wise old professor with me! ce n'est pas la peine de jouer les grands savants avec moi!;∎ to play the violin jouer du violon;∎ to play the blues jouer du blues;∎ they're playing our song/Strauss ils jouent notre chanson/du Strauss;∎ to play scales on the piano faire des gammes au piano(n) (put on → record, tape) passer, mettre; (→ radio) mettre, allumer; (→ tapedeck, jukebox) faire marcher;∎ don't play the stereo so loud ne mets pas la chaîne si fort;∎ he's in his room playing records il écoute des disques dans sa chambre;∎ can you play some Pink Floyd? tu peux mettre quelque chose des Pink Floyd?;∎ I'll play the first side British again or American over for you je vous repasse ou je vous fais réécouter la première face∎ he played his torch over the cave walls il promena le faisceau de sa lampe sur les murs de la grotte∎ to play both ends against the middle jouer sur les deux tableaux∎ I like to work hard and play hard quand je travaille, je travaille, quand je m'amuse, je m'amuse;∎ he didn't mean to hurt you, he was only playing il ne voulait pas te faire de mal, c'était juste pour jouer;∎ don't play on the street! ne jouez pas dans la rue!;∎ to play with dolls/with guns jouer à la poupée/à la guerre∎ to play well/badly/regularly jouer bien/mal/régulièrement;∎ to play against sb/a team jouer contre qn/une équipe;∎ to play in goal être goal;∎ it's her (turn) to play c'est à elle de jouer, c'est (à) son tour;∎ to play in a tournament participer à un tournoi;∎ he plays in the Italian team il joue dans l'équipe d'Italie;∎ she played into the left corner elle a envoyé la balle dans l'angle gauche;∎ try playing to his backhand essayez de jouer son revers;∎ to play high/low (in cards) jouer une forte/basse carte;∎ do you play? est-ce que tu sais jouer?;∎ to play to win jouer pour gagner;∎ to play dirty ne pas jouer franc jeu; figurative ne pas jouer le jeu;∎ to play fair jouer franc jeu; figurative jouer le jeu;∎ to play into sb's hands faire le jeu de qn;∎ you're playing right into his hands! tu entres dans son jeu!;∎ to play for time essayer de gagner du temps;∎ to play safe ne pas prendre de risques, jouer la sécurité∎ to play high or for high stakes jouer gros (jeu);∎ to play for drinks/for money jouer les consommations/de l'argent∎ I heard a guitar playing j'entendais le son d'une guitare;∎ music played in the background (recorded) des haut-parleurs diffusaient de la musique d'ambiance; (band) un orchestre jouait en fond sonore;∎ is that Strauss playing? est-ce que c'est du Strauss que l'on entend?;∎ a radio was playing upstairs on entendait une radio en haut;∎ the stereo was playing full blast on avait mis la chaîne à fond∎ the last movie she played in le dernier film dans lequel elle a joué∎ Hamlet is playing tonight on joue Hamlet ce soir;∎ the movie is playing to full or packed houses le film fait salle comble;∎ the same show has been playing there for five years cela fait cinq ans que le même spectacle est à l'affiche;∎ now playing at all Park Cinemas actuellement dans toutes les salles (de cinéma) Park;∎ what's playing at the Rex? qu'est-ce qui passe au Rex?;∎ the company will be playing in the provinces la compagnie va faire une tournée en province∎ to play dead faire le mort;∎ to play innocent or familiar dumb faire l'innocent, jouer les innocents;∎ familiar to play hard to get se faire désirer□(h) (breeze, sprinkler, light)∎ to play (on) jouer (sur);∎ sun played on the water le soleil jouait sur l'eau;∎ a smile played on or about or over his lips un sourire jouait sur ses lèvres;∎ lightning played across the sky le ciel était zébré d'éclairs►► play area aire f de jeux∎ it's time he stopped playing about and settled down il est temps qu'il arrête de s'amuser et qu'il se fixe(a) (fiddle with, tamper with)∎ to play about with sth jouer avec ou tripoter qch;∎ stop playing about with the aerial arrête de jouer avec ou de tripoter l'antenne;∎ I don't think we should be playing about with genes à mon avis, on ne devrait pas s'amuser à manipuler les gènes(b) (juggle → statistics, figures) jouer avec; (consider → possibilities, alternatives) envisager, considérer;∎ I'll play about with the figures and see if I can come up with something more reasonable je vais jouer un peu avec les chiffres et voir si je peux suggérer quelque chose de plus raisonnable;∎ she played about with several endings for her novel elle a essayé plusieurs versions pour le dénouement de son roman∎ to play about with sb faire marcher qn(tease, deceive) faire marcher(cooperate) coopérer;∎ to play along with sb or with sb's plans entrer dans le jeu de qn;∎ you'd better play along tu as tout intérêt à te montrer coopératif(a) (of child) jouer à;∎ to play at cops and robbers jouer aux gendarmes et aux voleurs;∎ familiar just what do you think you're playing at? à quoi tu joues exactement?(b) (dabble in → politics, journalism) faire en dilettante;∎ you're just playing at being an artist tu joues les artistes;∎ you can't play at being a revolutionary tu ne peux pas t'improviser révolutionnaire(cassette, film) repasser;∎ play the last ten frames back repassez les dix dernières images∎ play it by me again reprenez votre histoire depuis le début□(role, victory) minimiser; (problem) dédramatiser;∎ we've been asked to play down the political aspects of the affair on nous a demandé de ne pas insister sur le côté politique de l'affaire;∎ her book rightly plays down the conspiracy theory son livre minimise à juste titre la thèse du complot∎ to play the ball in remettre la balle en jeu∎ to play oneself in s'habituer, se faire la main(c) (with music) accueillir en musique(teams, contestants) disputer un match de barrage∎ he played Neil off against his father il a monté Neil contre son père;∎ he played his enemies off against each other il a monté ses ennemis l'un contre l'autre➲ play on(weakness, naivety, trust, feelings) jouer sur;∎ his political strength comes from playing on people's fears il tire sa force politique de sa capacité à jouer sur la peur des gens;∎ the waiting began to play on my nerves l'attente commençait à me porter sur les nerfs;∎ the title plays on a line from Shakespeare le titre est un jeu de mots sur une phrase de Shakespearecontinuer à jouer;∎ the referee waved them to play on l'arbitre leur fit signe de continuer à jouer∎ the events being played out on the world's stage les événements qui se déroulent dans le monde;∎ the drama was played out between rioters and police les incidents ont eu lieu entre les émeutiers et les forces de police(b) (usu passive) familiar (exhaust) to be played out (person, horse etc) être vanné ou éreinté□ ; (idea) être vieux jeu□ ou démodé□ ; (story) avoir perdu tout intérêt□∎ they were played out to the strains of… leur départ a été accompagné par l'air de…Golf dépasser d'autres joueurs;∎ may we play through? vous permettez que nous vous dépassions?➲ play up∎ in the interview, play up your sales experience pendant l'entretien, mettez en avant ou insistez sur votre expérience de la vente;∎ his speech played up his working-class background son discours mettait l'accent sur ses origines populaires;∎ the press played up her divorce la presse a monté son divorce en épingle∎ my back is playing me up mon dos me joue encore des tours;∎ don't let the kids play you up ne laissez pas les enfants vous marcher sur les pieds∎ my back is playing up mon dos me joue encore des tours∎ to play up to sb (flatter) faire de la lèche à qn= play on1(a) (toy with → pencil, hair) jouer avec;∎ he was playing with the radio dials il jouait avec les boutons de la radio;∎ he only played with his food il a à peine touché à son assiette;∎ figurative to play with fire jouer avec le feu∎ she plays with language in bold and startling ways elle manipule la langue avec une audace saisissante(c) (consider → idea) caresser;∎ he played with the idea for weeks before rejecting it il a caressé l'idée pendant des semaines avant de l'abandonner;∎ we're playing with the idea of buying a house nous pensons à acheter une maison;∎ here are a few suggestions to play with voici quelques suggestions que je soumets à votre réflexion∎ to play with sb's affections jouer avec les sentiments de qn;∎ don't you see he's just playing with you? tu ne vois pas qu'il se moque de toi ou qu'il te fait marcher?(e) (have available → money, time) disposer de;∎ how much time have we got to play with? de combien de temps disposons-nous?;∎ they've got $2 million to play with ils disposent de deux millions de dollars∎ to play with oneself (masturbate) se toucherⓘ Play it again Sam Cette formule célèbre ("joue-le encore, Sam"), que l'on attribue au film Casablanca, n'est en fait pas prononcée dans le film. Le personnage incarné par Ingrid Bergman dit au pianiste du Rick's Bar play it once Sam, for old times' sake ("joue-le une fois, Sam, en souvenir du bon vieux temps"). Aujourd'hui on utilise cette formule en allusion au film lorsque l'on demande à quelqu'un de refaire quelque chose, et particulièrement lorsqu'il s'agit de rejouer un air de musique. -
18 play
1. verb1) (to amuse oneself: The child is playing in the garden; He is playing with his toys; The little girl wants to play with her friends.) jugar2) (to take part in (games etc): He plays football; He is playing in goal; Here's a pack of cards - who wants to play (with me)?; I'm playing golf with him this evening.) jugar (a)3) (to act in a play etc; to act (a character): She's playing Lady Macbeth; The company is playing in London this week.) representar, actuar4) ((of a play etc) to be performed: `Oklahoma' is playing at the local theatre.) ser representado5) (to (be able to) perform on (a musical instrument): She plays the piano; Who was playing the piano this morning?; He plays (the oboe) in an orchestra.) tocar6) ((usually with on) to carry out or do (a trick): He played a trick on me.) gastar una broma (a alguien)7) ((usually with at) to compete against (someone) in a game etc: I'll play you at tennis.) jugar contra8) ((of light) to pass with a flickering movement: The firelight played across the ceiling.) rielar, bailar9) (to direct (over or towards something): The firemen played their hoses over the burning house.) dirigir10) (to put down or produce (a playing-card) as part of a card game: He played the seven of hearts.) jugar
2. noun1) (recreation; amusement: A person must have time for both work and play.) diversión2) (an acted story; a drama: Shakespeare wrote many great plays.) obra3) (the playing of a game: At the start of today's play, England was leading India by fifteen runs.) partido4) (freedom of movement (eg in part of a machine).) juego•- player- playable
- playful
- playfully
- playfulness
- playboy
- playground
- playing-card
- playing-field
- playmate
- playpen
- playschool
- plaything
- playtime
- playwright
- at play
- bring/come into play
- child's play
- in play
- out of play
- play at
- play back
- play down
- play fair
- play for time
- play havoc with
- play into someone's hands
- play off
- play off against
- play on
- play a
- no part in
- play safe
- play the game
- play up
play1 n1. obra de teatrothere's a Shakespeare play on at the local theatre representan una obra de Shakespeare en el teatro de la ciudad2. juegoplay2 vb1. jugar2. tocartr[pleɪ]1 (recreation) juego3 SMALLTHEATRE/SMALL obra (de teatro), pieza (teatral)4 (free and easy movement, slack) juego5 (action, effect, interaction) juego1 (game, sport) jugar a■ some played cards while the others played football algunos jugamos a cartas mientras otros jugaron a fútbol■ do you play the Stock Exchange? ¿juegas a la Bolsa?2 SMALLSPORT/SMALL (compete against) jugar contra; (in position) jugar de; (ball) pasar; (card) jugar; (piece) mover■ have you played David at tennis? ¿has jugado al tenis con David?3 SMALLMUSIC/SMALL tocar1 (joke, trick) gastar, hacer2 (record, song, tape) poner3 (direct - light, water) dirigir1 (amuse oneself) jugar (at, a), ( with, con)2 SMALLSPORT/SMALL (at game) jugar4 (pretend) pretender, jugar a■ what are you playing at? ¿qué pretendes?, ¿a qué estás jugando?5 SMALLMUSIC/SMALL tocar6 (move) recorrer\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLa play on words un juego de palabrasto be in play estar dentro de juegoto be out of play estar fuera de juegoto be played out estar agotado,-a, estar rendido,-ato bring something into play poner algo en juegoto come into play entrar en juegoto give full play to something dar rienda suelta a algoto make a play for something/somebody intentar conseguir algo/conquistar a alguiento play by ear (music) tocar de oídoto play dead hacerse el/la muerto,-ato play for time tratar de ganar tiempoto play hard to get hacerse de rogar, hacerse el/la interesanteto play into somebody's hands hacerle el juego a alguiento play it by ear (improvise) decidir sobre la marcha, improvisarto play it cool hacer como si nadato play one's cards right jugar bien sus cartasto play safe / play it safe ir a lo seguro, no arriesgarseto play the fool hacer el indio, hacer el tontoto play the game jugar limpioto play truant hacer novillos, hacer campanato play with an idea dar vueltas a una ideato play with fire jugar con fuegofair play / foul play juego limpio / juego sucioplay ['pleɪ] vi1) : jugarto play with a doll: jugar con una muñecato play with an idea: darle vueltas a una idea2) fiddle, toy: jugar, jugueteardon't play with your food: no juegues con la comida3) : tocarto play in a band: tocar en un grupo4) : actuar (en una obra de teatro)play vt1) : jugar (un deporte, etc.), jugar a (un juego), jugar contra (un contrincante)2) : tocar (música o un instrumento)3) perform: interpretar, hacer el papel de (un carácter), representar (una obra de teatro)she plays the lead: hace el papel principalplay n1) game, recreation: juego mchildren at play: niños jugandoa play on words: un juego de palabras2) action: juego mthe ball is in play: la pelota está en juegoto bring into play: poner en juego3) drama: obra f de teatro, pieza f (de teatro)4) movement: juego m (de la luz, una brisa, etc.)5) slack: juego mthere's not enough play in the wheel: la rueda no da lo suficienten.• drama s.m.• holgura s.f.• huelgo s.m.• juego s.m.• jugada s.f.• obra dramática s.f.• pieza s.f.• recreo s.m. (A role)v.v.v.• tañer v.v.• divertirse v.• jugar v.• juguetear v.• representar v.• reproducir (Electrónica) v.• sonar v.pleɪ
1)a) u ( recreation) juego mb) u ( Sport) juego mplay was interrupted — se interrumpió el juego or el partido
to bring something/come into play — poner* algo/entrar en juego
to make a play for somebody/something — (also BrE)
he made a play for her — trató de ganársela or de conquistársela
the company made a play for ownership of ABC Industries — la compañía intentó hacerse con ABC Industries
2) u ( interplay) juego m4) c ( Theat) obra f (de teatro), pieza f (teatral), comedia fradio play — obra f radiofónica
5) c ( pun)
2)a) \<\<cards/hopscotch\>\> jugar* ato play a jokeick on somebody — hacerle* or gastarle una broma/una jugarreta a alguien
b) \<\<football/chess\>\> jugar* (AmL exc RPl), jugar* a (Esp, RPl)3)a) ( compete against) \<\<opponent\>\> jugar* contrato play somebody AT something: I used to play her at chess — jugaba ajedrez or (Esp, RPl) al ajedrez con ella
b) \<\<ball\>\> pasar; \<\<card\>\> tirar, jugar*; \<\<piece\>\> mover*c) ( in particular position) jugar* ded) ( use in game) \<\<reserve\>\> alinear, sacar* a jugar4) ( gamble on) jugar* ato play the market — ( Fin) jugar* a la bolsa
5) ( Theat)a) \<\<villain/Hamlet\>\> representar el papel de, hacer* de, actuar* deto play the innocent — hacerse* el inocente
b) \<\<scene\>\> representarto play it cool — hacer* como si nada
to play (it) safe — ir* a la segura, no arriesgarse*
to play (it) straight — ser* sincero or honesto
c) \<\<theater/town\>\> actuar* en6) ( Mus) \<\<instrument/note\>\> tocar*; \<\<piece\>\> tocar*, interpretar (frml)7) ( Audio) \<\<tape/record\>\> poner*8) ( move) (+ adv compl)
1) vi2) ( amuse oneself) \<\<children\>\> jugar*to play AT something — jugar* a algo
what are you playing at? — ¿a qué estás jugando?, ¿qué es lo que te propones?
to play WITH something/somebody — jugar* con algo/alguien
3) (Games, Sport) jugar*to play fair — jugar* limpio
to play fair with somebody — ser* justo con alguien
4)a) ( Theat) \<\<cast\>\> actuar*, trabajar; \<\<show\>\> ser* representadob) ( pretend)to play dead — hacerse* el muerto
to play hard to get — hacerse* el (or la etc) interesante
5) ( Mus) \<\<musician\>\> tocar*6) ( move)•Phrasal Verbs:- play off- play on- play out- play up[pleɪ]1. N1) (=recreation) juego m•
to be at play — estar jugando•
to do/say sth in play — hacer/decir algo en broma2) (Sport) juego m; (=move, manoeuvre) jugada f, movida fto be in play — [ball] estar en juego
fair I, 1., 1), foul 5.to be out of play — [ball] estar fuera de juego
3) (Theat) obra f (de teatro), pieza fplays teatro msingthe plays of Lope — las obras dramáticas de Lope, el teatro de Lope
radio/television play — obra f para radio/televisión
radioto be in a play — [actor] actuar en una obra
4) (Tech etc) juego mthere's too much play in the clutch — el embrague tiene demasiada holgura or va demasiado suelto
5) (fig) (=interaction)•
to come into play — entrar en juego•
to make a play for sth/sb — intentar conseguir algo/conquistar a algnto make (a) great play of sth — insistir en algo, hacer hincapié en algo
2. VT1) [+ football, tennis, chess, bridge, cards, board game etc] jugar a; [+ game, match] jugar, disputardo you play football? — ¿juegas al fútbol?
what position does he play? — ¿de qué juega?
to play centre-forward/centre-half etc — jugar de delantero centro/medio centro etc
to play a game of tennis — jugar un partido de tenisthe children were playing a game in the garden — los niños estaban jugando (a un juego) en el jardín
don't play games with me! — (fig) ¡no me vengas con jueguecitos!, ¡no trates de engañarme!
- play the field- play the game2) [+ team, opponent] jugar contralast time we played Sunderland... — la última vez que jugamos contra Sunderland...
to play sb at chess — jugar contra algn al ajedrez3) [+ card] jugar; [+ ball] golpear; [+ chess piece etc] mover; [+ fish] dejar que se canse, agotar•
he played the ball into the net — (Tennis) estrelló or golpeó la pelota contra la red•
to play the market — (St Ex) jugar a la bolsa- play one's cards right or well- play ball4) (=perform) [+ role, part] hacer, interpretar; [+ work] representar; (=perform in) [+ town] actuar enwhat part did you play? — ¿qué papel tuviste?
when we played "Hamlet" — cuando representamos "Hamlet"
to play the peacemaker/the devoted husband — (fig) hacer el papel de pacificador/de marido amantísimo
we could have played it differently — (fig) podríamos haber actuado de otra forma
- play it cool- play it safebook 1., 1), fool, trick 1., 1)5) (Mus etc) [+ instrument, note] tocar; [+ tune, concerto] tocar, interpretar more frm; [+ tape, CD] poner, tocarto play the piano/violin — tocar el piano/el violín
they played the 5th Symphony — tocaron or more frm interpretaron la Quinta Sinfonía
they were playing Beethoven — tocaban or more frm interpretaban algo de Beethoven
6) (=direct) [+ light, hose] dirigirto play a searchlight on an aircraft — dirigir un reflector hacia un avión, hacer de un avión el blanco de un reflector
3. VI1) (=amuse o.s.) [child] jugar; [puppy, kitten etc] jugar, juguetearto play with an idea — dar vueltas a una idea, barajar una idea
to play with fire — (fig) jugar con fuego
how much time/money do we have to play with? — ¿con cuánto tiempo/dinero contamos?, ¿de cuánto tiempo/dinero disponemos?
to play with o.s. * — euph tocarse, masturbarse
2) (Sport) (at game, gamble) jugarplay! — ¡listo!
who plays first? — ¿quién juega primero?
are you playing today? — ¿tu juegas hoy?
England are playing against Scotland in the final — Inglaterra jugará contra or se enfrentará a Escocia en la final•
to play at chess — jugar al ajedrezwhat are you playing at? * — pero ¿qué haces?, ¿qué te pasa?
to play by the rules — (fig) acatar las normas•
he plays for Liverpool — juega en el Liverpoolto play for high stakes — (lit) apostar muy alto; (fig) poner mucho en juego
to play in defence/goal — (Sport) jugar de defensa/de portero•
he played into the trees — (Golf) mandó la bola a la zona de árboles- play for time- play into sb's hands- play to one's strengths3) (Mus) [person] tocar; [instrument, record etc] sonardo you play? — ¿sabes tocar?
will you play for us? — ¿nos tocas algo?•
to play on the piano — tocar el piano•
to play to sb — tocar para algn4) (Theat, Cine) (=act) actuarthe film now playing at the Odeon — la película que se exhibe or proyecta en el Odeon
- play hard to get- play deadgallery5) (=move about, form patterns) correr6) [fountain] correr, funcionar4.CPDplay clothes NPL — ropa f para jugar
play reading N — lectura f (de una obra dramática)
- play in- play off- play on- play out- play up* * *[pleɪ]
1)a) u ( recreation) juego mb) u ( Sport) juego mplay was interrupted — se interrumpió el juego or el partido
to bring something/come into play — poner* algo/entrar en juego
to make a play for somebody/something — (also BrE)
he made a play for her — trató de ganársela or de conquistársela
the company made a play for ownership of ABC Industries — la compañía intentó hacerse con ABC Industries
2) u ( interplay) juego m4) c ( Theat) obra f (de teatro), pieza f (teatral), comedia fradio play — obra f radiofónica
5) c ( pun)
2)a) \<\<cards/hopscotch\>\> jugar* ato play a joke/trick on somebody — hacerle* or gastarle una broma/una jugarreta a alguien
b) \<\<football/chess\>\> jugar* (AmL exc RPl), jugar* a (Esp, RPl)3)a) ( compete against) \<\<opponent\>\> jugar* contrato play somebody AT something: I used to play her at chess — jugaba ajedrez or (Esp, RPl) al ajedrez con ella
b) \<\<ball\>\> pasar; \<\<card\>\> tirar, jugar*; \<\<piece\>\> mover*c) ( in particular position) jugar* ded) ( use in game) \<\<reserve\>\> alinear, sacar* a jugar4) ( gamble on) jugar* ato play the market — ( Fin) jugar* a la bolsa
5) ( Theat)a) \<\<villain/Hamlet\>\> representar el papel de, hacer* de, actuar* deto play the innocent — hacerse* el inocente
b) \<\<scene\>\> representarto play it cool — hacer* como si nada
to play (it) safe — ir* a la segura, no arriesgarse*
to play (it) straight — ser* sincero or honesto
c) \<\<theater/town\>\> actuar* en6) ( Mus) \<\<instrument/note\>\> tocar*; \<\<piece\>\> tocar*, interpretar (frml)7) ( Audio) \<\<tape/record\>\> poner*8) ( move) (+ adv compl)
1) vi2) ( amuse oneself) \<\<children\>\> jugar*to play AT something — jugar* a algo
what are you playing at? — ¿a qué estás jugando?, ¿qué es lo que te propones?
to play WITH something/somebody — jugar* con algo/alguien
3) (Games, Sport) jugar*to play fair — jugar* limpio
to play fair with somebody — ser* justo con alguien
4)a) ( Theat) \<\<cast\>\> actuar*, trabajar; \<\<show\>\> ser* representadob) ( pretend)to play dead — hacerse* el muerto
to play hard to get — hacerse* el (or la etc) interesante
5) ( Mus) \<\<musician\>\> tocar*6) ( move)•Phrasal Verbs:- play off- play on- play out- play up -
19 the
1. definite article1) der/die/dasif you want a quick survey, this is the book — für einen raschen Überblick ist dies das richtige Buch
he lives in the district — er wohnt in dieser Gegend
£5 the square metre/the gallon/the kilogram — 5 Pfund der Quadratmeter/die Gallone/das Kilogramm
14 miles to the gallon — 14 Meilen auf eine Gallone; ≈ 20 l auf 100 km
a scale of one mile to the inch — ein Maßstab von 1: 63 360
2) (denoting one best known)it is the restaurant in this town — das ist das Restaurant in dieser Stadt
2. adverbhave got the toothache/measles — (coll.) Zahnschmerzen/die Masern haben
the more I practise the better I play — je mehr ich übe, desto od. um so besser spiele ich
so much the worse for somebody/something — um so schlimmer für jemanden/etwas
* * *[ðə, ði](The form [ðə] is used before words beginning with a consonant eg the house or consonant sound eg the union [ðə'ju:njən]; the form [ði] is used before words beginning with a vowel eg the apple or vowel sound eg the honour [ði 'onə]) der/die/das1) (used to refer to a person, thing etc mentioned previously, described in a following phrase, or already known: Where is the book I put on the table?; Who was the man you were talking to?; My mug is the tall blue one; Switch the light off!)2) (used with a singular noun or an adjective to refer to all members of a group etc or to a general type of object, group of objects etc: The horse is running fast.; I spoke to him on the telephone; He plays the piano/violin very well.) der/die/das3) (used to refer to unique objects etc, especially in titles and names: the Duke of Edinburgh; the Atlantic (Ocean).) der/die/das4) (used after a preposition with words referring to a unit of quantity, time etc: In this job we are paid by the hour.) eine/-r/s(oder unübersetzt)5) (used with superlative adjectives and adverbs to denote a person, thing etc which is or shows more of something than any other: He is the kindest man I know; We like him (the) best of all.) der/die/das,am6) ((often with all) used with comparative adjectives to show that a person, thing etc is better, worse etc: He has had a week's holiday and looks (all) the better for it.) um so•- academic.ru/118911/the_..">the...- the...* * *[ði:, ði, ðə]1. (denoting thing mentioned) der/die/dasat \the cinema im Kinoat \the corner an der Eckein \the fridge im Kühlschrankon \the shelf im Regalon \the table auf dem Tisch2. (particular thing/person)▪ \the ... der/die/das...3. (with family name)\the Smiths are away on vacation die Schmidts sind im Urlaub4. (before relative clause) der/die/dasI really enjoyed \the book I've just finished reading das Buch, das ich gerade gelesen habe, war wirklich interessant5. (before name with adjective) der/die\the unfortunate Mr Jones was caught up in the crime der bedauernswerte Mr. Jones wurde in das Verbrechen verwickelt6. (in title) der/dieEdward \the Seventh Eduard der SiebteElizabeth \the second Elisabeth die Zweite7. (before adjective) der/die/dasI suppose we'll just have to wait for \the inevitable ich vermute, wir müssen einfach auf das Unvermeidliche warten\the panda is becoming an increasingly rare animal der Pandabär wird immer seltener\the democrats/poor/townspeople die Demokraten/Armen/Städtera home for \the elderly ein Altersheim nt9. (with superlative) der/die/das\the highest mountain in Europe der höchste Berg Europas\the happiest der/die Glücklichste10. (instead of possessive)how's \the leg today, Mrs. Steel? wie geht es Ihrem Bein denn heute, Frau Steel?he held his daughter tightly by \the arm er hielt seine Tochter am Arm fest11. (with dates) der\the 24th of May der 24. MaiMay \the 24th der 24. Mai; (with time period) diein \the eighties in den Achtzigern [o Achtzigerjahren12. (with ordinal numbers) der/die/dasyou're \the fifth person to ask me that du bist die Fünfte, die mich das fragt13. (with measurements) prothese potatoes are sold by \the kilo diese Kartoffeln werden kiloweise verkauftby \the hour pro Stundetwenty miles to \the gallon zwanzig Meilen auf eine Gallone14. (enough) der/die/dasI haven't got \the energy to go out this evening ich habe heute Abend nicht mehr die Energie auszugehenII. adv + compall \the better/worse umso besser/schlechterI feel all \the better for getting that off my chest nachdem ich das losgeworden bin, fühle ich mich gleich viel besserany the better/worse in irgendeiner Weise besser/schlechtershe doesn't seem to be any \the worse for her bad experience ihre schlimme Erfahrung scheint ihr in keiner Weise geschadet zu haben▪ \the..., \the... je..., desto...\the lower \the price, \the poorer \the quality je niedriger der Preis, umso schlechter die Qualitätbring the family with you! \the more \the merrier! bring die Familie mit! je mehr Leute, desto besser▪ \the more..., \the more... je mehr..., desto mehr...\the more I see of his work, \the more I like it je mehr ich von seiner Arbeit sehe, desto besser gefällt sie mir* * *[ðə] (vor Vokalen auch, zur Betonung auch) [ðiː]1. def art1) der/die/dasin the room — im or in dem Zimmer
on the edge —
to play the piano/guitar — Klavier/Gitarre spielen
have you invited the Browns? — haben Sie die Browns or (with children) die Familie Brown eingeladen?
in the 20s — in den zwanziger Jahren or Zwanzigerjahren pl
how's the leg/wife? (inf) — wie gehts dem Bein/Ihrer Frau? (inf)
the poor/rich — die Armen pl/Reichen pl
translated from the German —
she was the prettier/prettiest — sie war die Hübschere/Hübscheste
4)(distributive use)
80p the pound — 80 Pence das or pro Pfundby the hour — pro Stunde
the car does thirty miles to the gallon — das Auto braucht eine Gallone auf dreißig Meilen, das Auto verbraucht 11 Liter auf 100km
5) [ðiː](stressed) der/die/das2. adv(all) the more so because... — umso mehr, als...
See:→ better* * *the book on the table das Buch auf dem Tisch;the England of today das England von heute;the Browns die Browns, die Familie Brown2. vor Maßangaben:one dollar the pound einen Dollar das Pfund;wine at two pounds the bottle Wein zu zwei Pfund die Flasche3. [ðiː] der, die, das (hervorragende oder geeignete etc):he is the painter of the century er ist der Maler des Jahrhundertsthe2 [ðə] adv (vor komp) desto, umso;the … the je …, desto;so much the better umso besser;so much the more umso (viel) mehr;not any the better um nichts besser;Gambia, the [ˈɡæmbıə] s Gamiba nMidlands, the [ˈmıdləndz] spl Mittelengland n (Grafschaften Mittelenglands, besonders Warwickshire, Northamptonshire, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire und Staffordshire)* * *1. definite article1) der/die/dasif you want a quick survey, this is the book — für einen raschen Überblick ist dies das richtige Buch
it's or there's only the one — es ist nur dieser/diese/dieses eine
£5 the square metre/the gallon/the kilogram — 5 Pfund der Quadratmeter/die Gallone/das Kilogramm
14 miles to the gallon — 14 Meilen auf eine Gallone; ≈ 20 l auf 100 km
a scale of one mile to the inch — ein Maßstab von 1: 63 360
2. adverbhave got the toothache/measles — (coll.) Zahnschmerzen/die Masern haben
the more I practise the better I play — je mehr ich übe, desto od. um so besser spiele ich
so much the worse for somebody/something — um so schlimmer für jemanden/etwas
* * *art.das art.n.der art.m.die art.f. v.zum v. -
20 guitar
nounGitarre, die; attrib. Gitarren[musik, -spieler]* * *(a type of musical instrument with usually six strings.) die Gitarre- academic.ru/32860/guitarist">guitarist* * *gui·tar[gɪˈtɑ:ʳ, AM -ɑ:r]n Gitarre fhe sat on the grass, strumming his \guitar er saß auf der Wiese und klimperte auf seiner Gitarreacoustic/electric \guitar akustische/elektrische Gitarreto play air \guitar Luftgitarre spielento strum/pluck the \guitar die Gitarre schlagen/zupfen* * *[gɪ'tAː(r)]nGitarre f* * ** * *nounGitarre, die; attrib. Gitarren[musik, -spieler]* * *n.Gitarre -n f.
См. также в других словарях:
Cultural impact of the Guitar Hero series — Guitar Hero, which has expanded to include drums and vocals in addition to lead and bass guitar, has become a popular activity and has had a significant impact across several different industries. Guitar Hero is a series of rhythm video games… … Wikipedia
Play the Game — Queen – The Game Veröffentlichung 30. Juni 1980 Label EMI/Parlophone; Elektra, Hollywood Records (USA) Format(e) LP, Cassette; CD; DVD Audio (2003) Genre( … Deutsch Wikipedia
Play the Game (song) — Single infobox | Name = Play the Game Artist = Queen from Album = The Game B side = A Human Body Released = May 30, 1980 Format = vinyl record (7 ) Recorded = 1980 Genre = Progressive rock, Ballad/Rock, Hard rock Length = 3:30 Label = EMI,… … Wikipedia
Guitar tunings — Guitar standard tuning, shown one octave higher than actual pitch. (E2.A2.D3.G3.B3.e4) Guitar tunings almost always refers to the pitch of the open ( unfretted ) string, though some tunings may only realistically be attained by the use of a capo… … Wikipedia
Shut Up ’N Play Yer Guitar — Livealbum von Frank Zappa Veröffentlichung 11. Mai 1981 Label Barking Pumpkin Records, CBS … Deutsch Wikipedia
Shut Up 'n Play Yer Guitar — Infobox Album | Name = Shut Up n Play Yer Guitar Type = Live album Artist = Frank Zappa Released = May 11 1981 (US) Recorded = Early 1973; February 1976; February 1977 December 11, 1980 Genre = Instrumental rock, hard rock Length = 106:52 Label … Wikipedia
The Ventures — Classic lineup of the Ventures in Japan in 1965 (left to right): Don Wilson, Mel Taylor, Nokie Edwards, Bob Bogle Background information Also known as … Wikipedia
Shut Up 'N' Play Yer Guitar — Album par Frank Zappa Sortie 11 mai 1981 (us) Enregistrement du 17 février 1977 au 11 décembre 1980 Durée 106 min 52 s Genre(s) … Wikipédia en Français
Shut Up 'n Play Yer Guitar — Album par Frank Zappa Sortie 11 mai 1981 (us) Enregistrement 17 février 1977 au 11 décembre 1980 Durée 106 min 52 s Genre … Wikipédia en Français
Shut Up 'n Play Yer Guitar — Álbum en directo de Frank Zappa Publicación 11 de mayo de 1981 Grabación 1972; febrero de 1976; febrero de 1977 diciembre de 1980 Género(s) Rock instrumental, har … Wikipedia Español
The Peachbones — are a band based out of Ashland, Ohio.HistoryThe Early Days (1994 1997) The Peachbones formed in 1994, in Ashland, Ohio by Ron Copenhaver, Matt Hoover, and Donne Copenhaver. Matthew Hoover met Ron Copenhaver s guitar before he met Ron Copenhaver … Wikipedia